
KanBo Getting Started

4. Working with Cards

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Working with Cards

This time we will walk you through the process of working with cards in KanBo. They are the building blocks of the platform hierarchy. Whether you’re new to KanBo or just need a refresher, this guide will help you create and manage cards with ease.

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Choose the form that is most convenient for you: watch the video or read the article.
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Working with Cards

In this article:


The first thing to understand is that cards are the building blocks of KanBo. They are created in spaces and those are created in workspaces.

If you are starting from scratch, the first step is to create a workspace for your project. See the article Create a Space to Work.

If you created the space or had your colleagues prepare it, open it now. Use the Navigation Panel to locate and open your space. Depending on the situation, you may see a space with three empty groupings named To Do, Doing, and Done, or a space filled with cards.

Example: Our exemplary space is named Green Week.

Creating cards

It’s time to create a new card. Let’s choose the first grouping named To Do to place the task.

Example: Our goal is to organize the Urban Picnic event. Let’s set it as the card name and create the card.

To enter the created card, simply click on it.

Let’s focus on the gray area first. This is the most important part of the card – its content.

The left column shows all the card details; the middle empty field is for the card elements, such as notes, documents, or to-do lists.


A useful feature of KanBo is the ability to add notes to your cards. Notes are one of the card elements and are a great way to provide additional context or instructions for a card. 

Example: A short description of the event for social media.

See how you can personalize notes with Rich Text capabilities. Remember, you can edit them later.


Users have the ability to attach files and create documents in cards. This makes it easy to share of important project-related files. Once added, the file is accessible to all users within the space.

Users can also create documents directly from the card. There are three types of files to choose from:

  • Word,
  • Excel,
  • PowerPoint

All documents that appear in KanBo are stored on your company server. This ensures that you always have the most current version in the card because it is the only one.

Example: We want to plan the flow of our event to figure out what we need to organize it. With an editable Word document, we can make corrections to the file on the go.

To-do Lists

Users can break down complex cards into smaller, more manageable tasks using to-do lists. A to-do list is a collection of tasks or things to remember, along with checkboxes that allow you to check them off as they are completed.

Example: Okay, we have an event plan. So let’s make a list of tasks that need to be done. A to-do list is great for this job. 

When one of the tasks is completed, you can check its box. Each completed task affects the calculation of the progress in completing the card. 


As you work with the card, you may find that it becomes very complex, and the tasks within it could be separate cards. If a task seems too large, you can create a subcard from it to further divide the work.

Example: Let’s convert the entire to-do list to the subcard group. Each task in the to-do list is now a new individual card.

Due Dates

Setting dates for cards helps prioritize tasks and keeps everyone on track. There are four types of dates, but let’s focus on the due date.

The due date is displayed on the card and serves as a reminder of when the task must be completed.

Example: Deadlines definitely help to find motivation to work. Let’s set the due date for next month.

Card Statuses

Once the task is started, the status of the card should be changed to reflect its condition. These status changes can be made easily within the card, or in the space view by moving the card to the appropriate grouping list.

Example: In that case, I guess there’s nothing left to do but start working!

Card Users

Collaboration is key to any project, and KanBo makes it easy to add users to cards. By assigning users, you can delegate tasks and ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities. 

Example: In the space view, simply use the space members feature to assign users.

Large tasks may require more people. Each card can have multiple users assigned to it, but there should always be one person responsible for completing the task on time.

This is what the card that we have prepared will look like.

Open the space

When the space is created, you can open it.
  1. On the Sidebar, go to Workspaces & Spaces .
  2. Open your space.

Create a card

Decide where to create your card.
  1. Select the plus button within the chosen grouping.
  2. Enter the name of the card.
  3. Select Create card.

Open the card

To access the card:
  • Open the card by clicking on it.

Add a note

To add a note:
  1. On the card, go to + Add element, and then select Note.
  2. Enter the name, write a note, and then select Add.

The note is added to the card.

Add a document

To attach a document to a card:
  • Drag the file to the card.

To create a document in the card:
  1. On the card, go to + Add element, then select Document.
  2. Add a new document by choosing the type of file you need Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
  3. Enter the name of the document, and then select Add

Add a to-do list

To add a to-do list:
  1. On the card, go to + Add element, then select To-do list.
  2. Enter the to-do list name, and then select Add.
A to-do list is created. Now you can add items to it.
  1. Select + Add item, enter its name, and then select Add.
If any of the items is completed, check its box.

Convert the to-do list in the subcards group

Create subcards from to-do list items:
  • On the to-do list, go to More (the three-dot menu), select Convert to subcard group, and then confirm your action.

Set the due date

To set a due date:
  1. On the card details section, go to Due date.
  2. Choose a date from the calendar, and then select Save.

Change the card status

To change the card status:
  • On the card details section, choose the new status for the card.

  • In the space view, move the card to the appropriate status grouping. 

Assign users to cards

To assign users to cards:
  1. In the space view, open the Users section.
  2. Drag the user icon and move it to the card.

  • On the card details section, go to the user placeholder and then choose a user.

The user placed in the larger field on the left is responsible for completing the task on time.

Open the space

When the space is created, you can open it.

  1. On the Sidebar, go to Workspaces & Spaces .
  2. Open your space.


Create a card

Decide where to create your card.

  1. Select the plus button within the chosen grouping.

  1. Enter the name of the card.
  2. Select Create card.

Open the card

To access the card:

  • Open the card by clicking on it.


Add a note

To add a note:

  1. On the card, go to + Add element, and then select Note.
  1. Enter the name, write a note, and then select Add.

The note is added to the card.

Add a document

To attach a document to a card:

  • Drag the file to the card.

To create a document in the card:
  1. On the card, go to + Add element, then select Document.
  2. Add a new document by choosing the type of file you need Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
  1. Enter the name of the document, and then select Add.

Add a to-do list

To add a to-do list:

  1. On the card, go to + Add element, then select To-do list.
  2. Enter the to-do list name, and then select Add.

A to-do list is created. Now you can add items to it.

  1. Select + Add item, enter its name, and then select Add.

If any of the items is completed, check its box.


Convert the to-do list in the subcards group

Create subcards from to-do list items:

  • On the to-do list, go to More (the three-dot menu), select Convert to subcard group, and then confirm your action.

Set the due date

To set a due date:

  1. On the card details section, go to Due date.
  2. Choose a date from the calendar, and then select Save.

Change the card status

To change the card status:

  • On the card details section, choose the new status for the card.


  • In the space view, move the card to the appropriate status grouping.

Assign users to cards

To assign users to cards:

  1. In the space view, open the Users section.
  2. Drag the user icon and move it to the card.


  • On the card details section, go to the user placeholder and then choose a user.
The user placed in the larger field on the left is responsible for completing the task on time.